What is Cache Valley Forest School?

We are a community of like-minded individuals who are striving to strengthen the homeschool community through outdoor science and wilderness education.  We also offer summer camps and other short-term based classes to children through out Cache Valley from all walks of life. Classes are designed to be hands-on, relevant, engaging, and fun!  

What programs do you offer?

Class offerings are constantly growing and changing, but our program highlight is our weekly Forest Fridays, which provides outdoor science educationtion to homeschool families.  We also have summer camps and seasonal classes such as Wilderness Survival, Outdoor Cooking, Yoga in Nature, Nature Journaling, and more!  

What curriculum do you use?

Curriculum is curated by mentors using student-led emergent curriculum.  That means that the direction of learning is driven by the curiosity of the group, giving students voice and choice over what they are learning.  

Do you cover all science standards?

Our program is designed to be student-led, therefore, we don't cover a specific list of standards.  However, quality learning takes place each week and you can see what topics we are covering by checking out our Weekly Newsletter.

Who are your mentors?

Our mentors come together with a variety of backgrounds and together we create a well-rounded diverse group of educators. Meet our team here!

Are students placed into age groups? And what ages do you take?

Forest Fridays (homeschool enrichment) will be broken into three age groups:  Junior Rangers (Ages 6-8), Explorers (Ages 8-11), and Trailblazers (Ages 12+). Other classes will list specific age ranges when posted

How many students are in a class? 

Class sizes are capped at 15 students.  In addition to our experienced and capable mentors, each group is assigned 1-2 volunteers.  This allows us to have 7 adults present during classes for a ratio of about 1 adult to 5 students with our youngest group and 1 adult to 7-8 students with our older groups.  

When will Forest Fridays (homeschool science classes) take place?

Classes take place on 30 Fridays throughout the school year.  Please see our school calendar for more information.

Where are classes located?

Classes will be held in various outdoor locations throughout Cache Valley.  We have students from all over Cache Valley and even some that drive in from outside of Cache Valley, therefore, we strive to keep all classes within a 25 minute drive from central Logan.

Do you accept payment from homeschool programs?

Yes!  We are approved as 3rd Party Vendors for Harmony Ed and MyTech High.  We are also approved through the Utah Fits All Scholarship.

Do you cancel class for bad weather?

We strive to operate rain or shine and children should be dressed for the weather, but we will cancel for extreme weather that could pose a danger.  

What is the withdrawal/cancellation policy?

The registration fees are non-refundable and they are used to hold your space and purchase insurance.  Tuition can be refunded in full up to 2 weeks before the start of class. Tuition will be refunded at 50% from 2 weeks before class until 2 weeks after the start of class.  Tuition will not be refunded after the second week of class.  We do no pro-rate missed days due to illness, travel, or other circumstances.  If class is cancelled due to weather we provide one make-up day per session.  If more than one day is missed due to weather, families will be reimbursed at 50% for the missed day.  The remaining 50% is used to pay overhead costs and to pay mentors for their prep-work. We do not issue refunds for ending class early due to weather. 

Please contact us if you have further questions.